LONDON (Reuters) – Most Britons have never heard of nanotechnology and have no idea what it is, according to a survey released on Monday.

But the majority of the 29 percent of people questioned in the poll who were aware of it think the ultra-small scale technology will have a beneficial effect in the future.

The survey was carried out by the Royal Society, an academy of leading scientists, and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

“Nanotechnology involves studying and working with matter at an ultra-small scale, and a nanometer is just one-millionth of a millimeter in length. It is not really a shock to discover that most people have not heard about nanotechnology, because it is still a relatively young field,” said Professor Nick Pidgeon, a member of a scientific working group on nanotechnology.

Only 19 percent of the 1,005 adults in Britain who participated in the poll were able to give a some sort of definition of nanotechnology. Sixty-nine percent of people who had an idea of what it was said it would make things better in the future.

Reuters (via Yahoo! News)

What is this survey done here in the Philippines? Here are my projections: less than 1 percent will say that they are aware of it, and 75 percent of those will say it has a beneficial effect in the future.

[trek_mode]The other 25 percent will say it would be used in assimilation! Did I hear the word Borg?[/trek_mode]

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