60 Bottlenose Dolphins Dead in Florida Panhandle

(Fri Mar 19, 5:17 PM ET) MIAMI (Reuters) – More than 60 bottlenose dolphins have died in the waters of the Florida Panhandle in the past nine days under mysterious circumstances, U.S. marine researchers said on Friday.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said its preliminary tests found no evidence of red tide, a harmful alga that has been blamed in the past for massive die-offs of endangered manatees, in the waters of St. Joseph’s Bay, where most of the dead dolphins have been found.

Reuters (via Yahoo! Groups)

And I thought red tide was only found here in the Philippines.

Original address: http://www.frederickcalica.com/archives/000013.html

U.S. Pushes to Boost Use of Ozone Damaging Fumigant

Wed Mar 24, 7:58 AM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. fruit growers in Montreal this week will push for an increase in their use of a pesticide known to destroy the ozone layer, claiming that exemptions for developing nations on the chemical are unfair.

Methyl bromide, a fumigant that kills soil and food pests, is due to be phased out by developed nations by January 1, 2005, under the 1987 Montreal Protocol to protect the atmosphere.

Reuters (via Yahoo! News)

There must be no exemptions to the rule. This regulation regarding the use of these chemicals must be followed. I know that farmers’ income is affected, but we must also think about the ozone. This is important, too.

Original address: http://www.frederickcalica.com/archives/000014.html

NASA Finds Flaw Could Have Doomed Another Shuttle

Mon Mar 22,10:27 PM ET

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) – NASA has discovered a potentially disastrous mistake made more than 20 years ago on the space shuttle Discovery and plans to replace key parts on all three of its shuttles, the space agency said on Monday.

Reuters (via Yahoo! News)

It is good that NASA has already found and corrected this flaw. Our space exploration must not cost another life due to some mechanical failure.

Original address: http://www.frederickcalica.com/archives/000015.html

Rare Five-Planet Alignment Visible

Wed, Mar 24, 2004

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Five planets are arrayed across the evening sky in a spectacular night show that won’t be back for another three decades.

For the next two weeks, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — the five closest planets — should be easily visible at dusk, along with the moon.

AP (via Yahoo! News)

A very spectacular sight to see. Now, if only I have a telescope.

Original address: http://www.frederickcalica.com/archives/000017.html

Earth’s ‘quasi-moon’ is wayward asteroid

28 March 04

The Earth has only one true Moon, but astronomers have found that we also have a “quasi-moon” – a travelling companion through space that is circling the Earth while actually orbiting the Sun.

The object, the only quasi-moon discovered so far, is an asteroid called 2003 YN107 which circles the Sun in an orbit almost identical to Earth’s, but follows a corkscrew path that from time to time means that it appears to orbit Earth.

New Scientist

Earth’s natural satellite, the moon, affects Earth like the tides. What effect can this “quasi-moon” will have on Earth?

Original address: http://www.frederickcalica.com/archives/000020.html