Smog is dangerous to your health

And who said only cigarette smoke is dangerous to one’s health?

Ground-level ozone, a common form of air pollution long linked to breathing problems, is being blamed for thousands of premature deaths each year in a new study of 95 urban areas, including Philadelphia.

Researchers found that a short-term increase in ozone pollution – the key ingredient in smog – was associated with a slightly higher death rate, even when the air was cleaner than what is required by federal standards that took effect this year. The finding held true throughout much of the country and for all age groups, though most of those who died were elderly and many had a previous heart or lung illness. [Philadelphia Inquirer]

We should pay attention to something that contributes to premature deaths. Let’s start by paying attention to smoke belching. For motorists, reduce your emissions (but I don’t know how!). For pedestrians, report smoke belchers. Bantay Usok accepts reports on smoke belchers.

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