Now Entering IT
Originally uploaded by webrose.

Horoscope for: Friday, July 07, 2006

Your stroke of brilliance might be just what the boss ordered, but you must take a chance and communicate it to others. You certainly won’t solve the problem if your great idea stays buried within your head. You have no way of determining how amazing you are now, for you may underestimate your impact. An innovative plan can go a long way toward fixing the situation at home or at work.

A little something to massage the ego, eh?

And yeah… this is how I plan to communicate it to others…


Love Horoscope for the Week of:
Monday, July 10, 2006

With loving Venus canoodling with your key planet Mars and the Moon in your sign, this weekend is a great time to play and party. You’re uninhibited and able to be passionately assertive with just the right touch of charm that keeps you from coming on too strong.

I think this horoscope refer to this weekend’s sci-fi and fantasy convention.

Oh no… Ichibu will be on the loose!

Now I’ve left it behind…or at least I am trying.

Events from the last couple of days finally led me to post this song’s lyrics video. This song reflects how I am entirely feeling conflicted these days.