👨‍💻 Air Middle Earth safety instruction video. (heart)

An Unexpected Briefing #AirNZSafetyVideo

👨‍💻 Cat Physics /via Smarter Every Day

Slow Motion Flipping Cat Physics | Smarter Every Day 58

👨‍💻 Leia of Alderan is now a Disney Princess — The Musical!

Disney Princess Leia – Star Wars Disney Princesses!

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Originally shared by Juned Sonido

Check out this video on YouTube: – adaptation of Stephen Fry s podcast. I call it to Grammar Nazis and their victims

Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography – Language
Bookmarked 7 summoned for criticizing police on Facebook (technology.inquirer.net)

When responding to criticisms from the people of your jurisdiction, it would be best to answer by showing them that you are doing your best in solving the cases presented. Show them that the investigation is moving and if you encounter problems, you should also ask them to cooperate.

Thinking about filing cases against those who criticize you will not help. It will make you look worse.

Remember, you answer to the people, not the other way around.

I my humble opinion (IMHO).

#facebook   #onlinelibel   #police