How to make two board games more awesome? Mash them up!

A while ago while hanging out on cafe that offers board games, we pulled out two games: Scrabble (albeit a knock-off) and Snakes and Ladders. We intent to play board games simultaneously and then an idea came to me, why not mash them up. The mashed-up game removed the unpreditability of Snakes and Ladders and added an additional strategic level for Scrabble.

The rules for both games are kept except: make the scores earned in Scrabble as the dice-roll in Snakes and Ladders. The game ends when the Snakes and Ladders board is completed. Need to move 8 spaces in Snakes and Ladders to climb a ladder? Score an 8 in Scrabble. Need to pass the head of a snake by not moving 10 spaces? Don’t score a 10 in Scrabble!

Now, what classic board games that can be mashed-up?


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