Watched Avatar: The Last Airbender 3x16 The Southern Raiders from Trakt
Katara decides to confront the Fire Nation soldier responsible for her mother's death. Aang tries to talk her out of it, but she doesn't listen.

I’m watching Avatar: The Last Airbender 3×16 “Chapter Sixteen: The Southern Raiders”

Watched DC's Legends of Tomorrow 6x15 The Fungus Amongus from Trakt
When Sara realizes Bishop's plan, Ava convinces Sara to allow the Legends to make exception to the rules to help fight back. Behrad comes up with an interesting plan, that allows Sara to connect with an old friend. Meanwhile, amidst a battle Sara and Ava make an important decision but need the help of the team to pull it off.

I’m watching DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 6×15 “The Fungus Amongus”

Watched Avatar: The Last Airbender 3x17 The Ember Island Players from Trakt
A play recounting the gang's adventures does not sit well with Aang and his friends, except for Toph who enjoys it very much. Meanwhile, Aang confesses his love to Katara, but the response is ambiguous.

I’m watching Avatar: The Last Airbender 3×17 “Chapter Seventeen: The Ember Island Players”

Watched Infinite (2021) by Antoine Fuqua from
Evan McCauley has skills he never learned and memories of places he has never visited. Self-medicated and on the brink of a mental breakdown, a secret group that call themselves β€œInfinites” come to his rescue, revealing that his memories are real.

I’m watching Infinite (2021)

Watched Avatar: The Last Airbender 3x18 Sozin's Comet: The Phoenix King (1) from Trakt
Aang struggles to decide whether or not he has to kill the Fire Lord and, during the night, is drawn toward an island which disappears before morning. Zuko leads the rest of the group to the Earth Kingdom to meet a tracker whom they hope can find Aang. The Fire Lord crowns himself Phoenix King and Aang awakens on the island not knowing where he is.

I’m watching Avatar: The Last Airbender 3×18 “Chapter Eighteen: Sozin’s Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King”

Watched Star Trek: Enterprise 1x19 Acquisition from Trakt
Enterprise encounters Ferengi pirates who use a booby-trapped artifact to gas the crew into unconsciousness, then pillage the ship for treasures. But they haven't counted on Tucker, who happens to be in the decon chamber and avoids the gas, and attempts to win back the ship from the pirates.

I’m watching Star Trek: Enterprise 1×19 “Acquisition”