
What is the strangest award / citation you’ve received thus far?

nakakatawa nga eh… “most fashionable employee” given by our (former) manager during december 2009 company get together party.

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What new function / feature would you like to see in a hybrid mobile phone that has never been done before?

electric shaver.

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What’s your favorite Star Trek episode of all time, and why?

I don’t have favorite episodes but the most memorable are from TNG: “Where No One Has Gone Before”, “Data’s Day” and “Lower Decks.” The first two episodes featured my favorite characters: The Traveller and Data. “Lower Decks” presented the ship in a different perspective: the junior officers.

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Which of the following services is the least useful in your opinion: Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr, or Google Buzz?

i use twitter, plurk, and tumblr for different audiences. i still haven’t figured out for what audience will i google buzz.

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Which online social network that you used to be very active on do you miss the most?

that would be multiply. most of my friends are very active on multiply before. i guess most have move on to other networks but some still use it for posting pictures so i haven’t gave it up yet.

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What popular movie that “everyone” seems to talk about have you not yet seen but would like to?

that would be “How to Train Your Dragon” in 3D. i need to watch it soon or i will miss it entirely.

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Which aquatic mammals are most likely to be secret alien spies from an alien empire who plan on annexing Earth – dolphins, whales, manatees, sea lions, walruses or seals?

I would say the dolphins. Their unusual friendly demeanor towards humans is a dead give away that they are spying. Their empire should act soon since humans are rapidly polluting the waters.

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Share you favorite quote from a cartoon.

not actually a quote but a song. i love the opening theme of garfield and friends (it goes: “friends are there / to help you get started / to give you a push on your way”). what a nice song about friendship indeed.

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Given the choice, would you rather: 1) Work only five hours a day for seven days 2) Work twelve hours a day, thrice a week 3) Stay home and work and get faaaat.

definitely no. 3! getting to work from home is the most difficult thing to do.



Check out your closet – what type of clothing do you own the most of?

most of it are t-shirts. most are dark colors.
