Bookmarked 📝 is reviewing the last three years of his life under three different points of view. by Frederick CalicaFrederick Calica
👨‍💻 is reviewing the last three years of his life under three different points of view: idealist, realist, and illusionist.

Having a review of life
Originally uploaded by slithy-toves.

a strange turn of events last night made me and two [relatively] new officemates review the last three years of my life and frame it in three different points of view: the idealist, the illusionist, and the realist. we all agree that whatever happens next is totally up to me. as seen in different lights, I hope that I will not regret whatever I choose.


“Well, you know, there’s moving on in theory, and then there’s the moment that it actually happens. If you like, we can start now, and I’ll just be a really good friend.”

— Oliver Queen [to Lois Lane] (Smallville, Season 8, Episode 10, “Bride”)


Curt: Well, the knicks lost. It’s sad, really. They had a real shot. Then, out of nowhere, game over. And why? Why, Robin?
Robin: Uh, well, their perimeter shooting has been a little bit off this season…
Curt: The knicks lost because they were afraid of getting hurt. So they didn’t even try. Well, you know what I think? I think the knicks didn’t deserve my love to begin with. The knicks suck.

— “The Platinum Rule\”, How I Met Your Mother
