Replied to R F ( (Mastodon) I agree but there is still a part of the population that do not have smartphones (yeah, I know) - either by choice or circumstance. Banks should make it an option NOT to use SMS as a start.

First step, should be to add an option aside from SMS. Back in my home town, it is difficult to receive SMS. Currently, it is also difficult to receive SMS outside of the Philippines.

Replied to BSP eyes shift away from OTPs to fight fraud by jsampanjsampan (

MANILA, Philippines β€” The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) wants financial firms to eventually move away from one-time passwords (OTP) and instead adopt a more secure and sophisticated method of authenticating transactions to combat fraud and other financial cybercrime. During the recent media information session of the BSP, central bank Deputy Governor Elmore Capule stressed […]

OTP via SMS is very vulnerable to fraud. Time for PH banks to phase that out.

Replied to Eugene Alvin Villar πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ ( (OSM Town | Mapstodon for OpenStreetMap)
Attached: 1 image #TheDress viral photo will be 10 years old next month. And to me it still looks like a #WhiteAndGold dress and not #BlueAndBlack. I can’t adjust my perception to make it look blue and black unlike with other reversible optical illusions.

I only see it as black-blue. Can’t perceive it as white-gold.