Replied to Jeremy Bulloch ( (Bluesky Social)

The new lower decks comic just started a few weeks ago

I am aware. Most stories in Star Trek tie-in media (when the parent series as still in production) resets back to the status quo on the final page. I was hoping for a relaunch approach. Like the old novel-verse or the current Star Trek on-going comic series.

Replied to Francis Rubio :ad: ( (Mastodon)

Attached: 1 image

KWF Diksiyonaryo has yet again released an update, this time, an obviously half-baked unfinished site with a hideous design.

Honestly, given the chance, I’ll redesign this for them for free as long as my name is plastered on their social media accounts 😭

Finally! We can now link to individual entries in that dictionary. This can help me with my work on Tagalog Wikipedia.

Replied to Peregrine Fizzletwig ( (Bluesky Social)

Kobo Libra Colour has physical page turn buttons and is repairable. If you buy fully into the “China is your enemy” narrative then perhaps not ideal, but otherwise I’ve found mine excellent.

I am looking into Kobo readers as well. But not until my current Kindle Paperwhite breaks down.

Replied to Jiko Rojino ( (Mastodon)

If you could be only one of these, what would you be?

#Polls #Wealth #Wish #Famous #Survey #Rich #Poll #Dreams

[ ] Rich
[ ] Famous

I would like to be rich and completely anonymous, i.e., no one knows I am rich except for my attorney and accountant.

Replied to Francis Rubio :ad: ( (Mastodon)

I tried doing a quick search on the origins of the word “dagitab”; I was under the impression that this is a newly coined term in Filipino. However, I couldn’t find a source on that, and the more common “koryente” came from the Spanish “corriente”. With this, I guess “dagitab” is the native Tagalog term. (I mean “native” as opposed to “borrowed” or “coined/neologism”).

I think it was coined in “Maugnaying Talasalitaan”. Most of the terms coined there never caught on.