Amazing Race Recap with Phil Keoghan (Bonus) – The Holderness Family Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Now that The Amazing Race has concluded, Penn and I have been interviewing as many of our co-contestants as possible. To wrap up these bonus podcast episodes, we brought in fan-favorite and host of The Amazing Race, Phil Keoghan! Phil gave his behind-the-scenes take on what it’s like to be on the other side of the mat each week. As one of the Producers of the show, Phil has been there through all 33 seasons to see each of the contestants and challenges play out. We asked Phil who he predicted to win at the beginning of the season (Newsflash, it wasn’t us!) Listen in to hear Phil’s answer on how he thought we’d do in the race and his answer to some of your other burning questions! You can also watch our interview on YouTube here: